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tv   Starting Point  CNN  December 11, 2012 4:00am-6:00am PST

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point, bracing for protests. thousands battling over michigan's right to work. will the governor reconsider the controversial measure. and president obama and house speaker boehner mum on fiscal cliff negotiations. and a sign that a deal could be near. new world order, the economy growing at an enormous rate in china, and in a few years it will surpass the u.s. what it means, coming up. dozens of homes damaged in the south, ripping off roofs and damaging trees. more to come. stamp watch, straight ahead. lots to talk about this morning. the next two hours, we'll talk with steve israel. jeff sessions, sandy levin, rahm emanuel and businessman javier paolomarez, ed burns, frankie monday easy, and chuck leavell.
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"starting point" begins right now. welcome, everybody. "starting point" this morning, angry, united. bracing for protests in michigan as the state is poised to become the most unionized right to work state. as many as 10,000 unionized workers expected at the state capitol to voice their disapproval of the measure. some of them teachers, two detroit area school districts shut down for the day as hundreds of teachers plan to join the protest. president obama brought it up during a trip to a daimler truck factory in redford, michigan. this is what he said. >> this so-called right to work law, they don't have to do with economics, everything to do with politics. what they are really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money. >> alison kosik.
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>> what's the latest on the protests? >> protestsers starting to gather behind me. signs in hand, even the inflatable, a common theme when you see unions protest, the rats. thousands are hoping their voices will be heard. final votes taken on legislation, that right to work legislation, if it's passed would mean that workers would not be required to pay union dues. wouldn't be required to join a union which would be a huge hit to not only unions here in michigan, but also across the country. because michigan really has been the birthplace of the organized labor movement and would be a hit to the movement. what's happening today inside the chambers? the state and house approvaling, finalizing their votes if those measures pass, that bill will go to governor rick snyder's desk
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and he is expected to sign it. >> alison kosik. thank you. big story in washington, d.c., no news at all. silence about the fiscal cliff. the president and the house speaker john boehner holding closed door meetings to work out a deal or try to. 21 days and counting away from tax hikes and spending cuts going into affect. and congress breaks for christmas on friday. here is where things stand. the president hitting the road to sell his tax plan to -- at a truck plant to workers in michigan. and there are fiscal cliff talks and on capitol hill for a single day, all was quiet. that's always bad news if you are a political reporter, shannon travis live in washington, d.c.. there are some people who say well, let's read into the silence, because that's all we're getting and it's good news. do you feel that way? >> could be potentially good news. there is this notion of not negotiating through the media. the stakes are high, puts pressure on both sides.
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so on? that sense, as much as we would love to know what's going on in these discussions, it might be good to take some of the pressure off. i will read a statement from house speaker john boehner's press secretary. discussions with the white house are taking place, but we have no detail to share about the substances of those conversations. the republican offer made last week remains the republican offer and we continue to wait for the president to identify the spending cuts he's willing to make as part of the balanced approach he promised the american people. obviously, the president is saying he is waiting as well, soledad. waiting for republicans to identify how exactly they plan to specifically make up the 8$80 billion in revenue they are offering. and the president yesterday took to michigan, basically standing firm on his commitment that no deal for him could pass muster unless it raises tax rates on the wealthiest. soledad. >> we're reading into the silence this morning.
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>> the tea leaves. >> thank you. appreciate it. in a few minutes, talking about all of this, congressman steve israel, our guest, straight ahead? and john berman with a look at other stories making news. >> a deafening silence. overnight, three crew members killed in the crash of a medica chopper in north central illinois. on the way to a hospital when their chopper went down. pilot andy olson and flight nurses jim dillow and karen hollis were on board. and petty officer first klasnic lass checque was the navy s.e.a.l. killed. he entered the s.e.a.l.s program after graduating high school. he received a bronze star and several other awards during his ten-year career.
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clearly a hero. a government official reports nine people were wounded when bird shot pellets were shot into tahrir square. and rallies being held today leading to saturday's vote on a new constitution. and hawaii democrat daniel inouye is in the hospital, he has recently been seen using oxygen on the floor of the senate. he served in world war ii and won the medal of honor and witnessed the japanese bombing of pearl harbor and will mark 50 years in the senate on january 3rd. we hope he is recovering nicely. parts of the country could see more rough weather. this one in volusia county, florida. two others in louisiana and alabama. reports as many as a dozen total. most of the south saw bad weather from rain to heavy
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winds. alexandra steele tracking weather for us this morning. good morning. >> good morning to you. 13 reports of tornadoes thus far. over 47 damage reports and you can see here, this was the line of a storm that moved through with the arctic front. the warm, moist air ahead of it. colder drier air behind it, and these are showing where you the tornado reports were. we have had two confirmed thus far, though. let me take you, and show you where one was. in baker, louisiana, an ef-1 tornado. winds, 90 miles per hour. roofs off homes, even commercial buildings for some of you. car wash destroyed. widespread damage to trees and power lines, but also again, tornadoes reported from louisiana, mississippi, east of florida. to volusia county, where this funnel cloud, which john showed you earlier, reported. and you can see, inskredible pictures from florida as well. but how uncommon to see this kin of thing in florida, louisiana,
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mississippi? believe it or not, we have a cool weather tornado season in dixie alley and it's been quiet thus far. only seven tornadoes touched down from november until now. the ten-year average is 70. so a tenth of what we normally see. today, the only threat for tornadoes in south and central florida. isolated tornadoes. damaging wind gusts, but that is it around the country. and you can see hail possible. but florida, everyone on the eastern seaboard will clear out with cooler, drier air moving in. john. >> alexandra steele, thank you very much this morning. if you haven't seen this video, take a look right now. a man in birmingham, alabama, being interviewed by a local tv reporter talking about the dangerous weather when this happened. >> we had dog, she was in the cage. >> ah! >> oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god! you all okay? you all okay?
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you all all right? >> the roof of clinton thornton's home collapsed due to the soaking rain. we should tell you, no one was hurt luckily when that roof collapsed. i talked to local news reporters who filmed this video they say as they were walking through the neighborhood before they shot it, they could hear the creaking sounds from the ceilings and roofs from around the neighborhood, so much rain, a lot of ceilings were sagging. >> how awful and interesting for a photographer to just be -- >> quick thinking. >> really quick thicking. still ahead, democrats and republicanss accusing each othe of not offering up enough you cuts. we'll speak with steve israel coming up next. does the nfl have a gun culture? and business news. >> hsbc, what they are accused of. in moments. you're watching "starting
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point." [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus
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fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ breathes deeply ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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good morning. welcome back. i'm christine romans. minding your business. three british nationals arrested in connection with the libor rate fixing scandal. libor rate is used to set rates on loans. three arrests out of the uk right now. u.s. stock futures higher. fiscal cliff talks, federal reserve meeting in washington, two drivers for investments over the next couple of days. futures holding in there for now. federal and state authorities have reached a record-setting settlement with british banking giant hsbc. europe's largest lender has agreed to a staggering settlement. this is a big fine. hsbc is accused of helping transfer billions formations like iran doing business with firms linked to terrorism and also enabling mexican drug cartels to move money illegally
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through u.s. subsidiaries. >> considering that, that sounds low, $2 mibillion for helping mexican drug cartels and terrorists out of iran? and asia asending, the west in decline. 300 years of the west rising is reversing. american intelligence agencies are preparing this report that they do every four years for incoming administration. the world undergoing tectonic shifts, comparable to the french revolution and industrial revolution, but happening much faster. by 203 0shgs asia will see the power it last had in the middle ages and the report says "the uni polar moment is over and pa x americana, the era of american ascendcy is fast winding down.
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the squabbling over trying to close just a part of our deficit and in the lock view, taken by national intelligence agencies, is that the big trends are happening so quickly, and in such a big basis, it makes politics small. >> all going down anyway. >> no. it's interesting for me, because technology is going to be a big driver. middle class will rise. by 2030 according to the report for the first time ever, most people in the world won't be poor. a majority of people will be out of poverty. seeing kind of a rising tide, but very big changes. >> for those of us in pa x americana, kind of a disturbing report. >> pressure on american middle class and western middle classes. technological advances means people in other parts of the world can do the work much less expensively. negotiators have become very quiet on the fiscal cliff. odd for them. not much known specifically
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about what's happening behind closed doors. we want to get to steve israel. a democrat from new york. chair of the democratic congressional campaign committee. nice to have you with us again. i'm always worried when there is not a lot of noise out of washington, d.c. everything quiet. to the point where speaker and the president releasing press releases almost identical. is this good? the talks are moving in a positive turn? >> yeah, look, nothing is certain, but in this case, i think whispering in the white house is better than finger pointing in the media. it suggests, like in any negotiation, the parties serious, trying to work out acceptable compromise. speaker boehner has received pressure from own members looking at polls. including a poll that 60% of the american people want a balanced deal that does ask the wealthiest to do more. they want fundamental debt
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reduction, spending cuts, which democrats are prepared to do. no news may be good news. >> the tax issue has been debated a lot and expected that the bush tax cuts in some way, shape, or form will expire for the wealthiest 2% of the country. i want to talk about savings and this is where often very hard to dig into facts and details. here is what the "washington post" is reporting. savings for health and retirement programs, necessary to sell tax hikes to gop lawmakers, obama's proposed $350 billion in health of savings and boehner has suggested a $600 billion from health programs, and an additional $200 billion from using a stingier measure of inflation, reducing cost of living increases for social security recipients." how do you think this is going it go over? >> first of all, remember, we already passed nearly $1
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trillion in savings in the budget last year. that ought to count toward this deal. that is a done deal. we passed it last year in the budget control act. moving forward, the president has put nearly 350 billion in savings in entitlement reform on the table. what i fundamentally disagree with in terms of the republican proposal. they want to do it out of benefits side. what you are talking about is it called chain cpi. an immediate and drastic hit to social security benefits for seniors, now, today. we have always said we will negotiate strengthening medicare and social security. improving it, reforming it. we will not negotiate the end of medicare and social security. we will talk with the republicans to see if we can find the kinds of reforms that will keep these programs solvent and structurally healthy, but not ask seniors the first to sacrifice the most, which is the
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republican playbook up to now. >> as weeks of pain go by, and i feel like we've been in the middle of the pain a little bit now political pressure might grow so heavy, that whatever mix of tax increases and tax cuts and spending that he wishes, headline is obama must learn to negotiate. do you think that's true? that basically if you get closer and closer to the deadline, that the president can do whatever he wants? he holds the cards. >> i don't think that's true. the president has never waivered from what he said from when the republicans first brought us to the cliff. the first debate for the debt ceiling. he wants a plan big, bold, balanced. we were ready to sign on the dotted line a year ago. the problem was, it was a mix of spending cuts and tax increases on the wealthy and the republicans wouldn't gettive us a nickel of tax increases on the wealthy. the president in a much stronger
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position. he campaigned relentlessly on the notion to ask the wealthiest to pay more. is he in a better place. at the end of the day, we understand there has to be a compromise. i think the $250,000 figure is too low. i'm not willing to tell all of my constituents that earn below $250,000 that their taxes are going to go up, because i held out for a deal for those that make $400,000. going back to wawashington toda. everybody gets a tax cut up to $250,000. >> but that's not going to happen today. you know -- >> actually, there's a discharge petition. >> yeah. >> a discharge petition on the floor. we all agree taxes should go up on people up to 250. i wouldn't bet on it, fair enough. >> timothy geithner, when he was listed details of the $600
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billion, a couple of examples, limit farm subsidies, which he says could save a significant amount of money. farm subsidies would limit payments, and crop insurance would be cut. do you support all of that? >> yes. i personally do support it. we need to reform the crop subsidy program. in too many cases, the mega agricultural firms are quieting subsidized to not grow crops. we have to reform medicare and cut benefits, and yet oil companies, for example, are getting $40 billion in subsidies. we're about to replace saudi arabia as the world's largest producer of oil. these oil companies are doing exceedingly well. why do we have to give them 40 billion in subsidies and at the same time telling seniors we'll have a more stingy calculation
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of benefits? all subsidies ought to be on the table. subsidies, we ought to make investments in growing the middle class, not rewarding special interests. >> nice to have you, sir. appreciate it. still ahead on "starting point" is the nfl at a crossroads. what sportscaster bob costas says about the league's gun and con krugs problem. and "starting point" team heading in to join us. it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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cisco. alriwoah! did you get that? and...flip! yep, look at this. it takes like 20 pictures at a time. i never miss anything. isn't that awesome? uh that's really cool. you should upload these. i know, right? that is really amazing. the pictures are so clear. kevin's a handsome devil that phone does everything! search dog tricks. okay, see if we can teach him something cool. look at how lazy kevin is. kevin, get it together dude cmon, kevin take 20 pictures with burst shot on the galaxy s3.
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good morning. welcome back. our team this morning, bob shrum is back. you must have had a good time. >> you asked me back. >> and nan hayworth, and bob iza is back as well. t bob costas, he admits his remarks may have been imperfect in the aftermath of the terrible
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suicide/murder jovan belcher. he thinks the nfl has a crisis on its hands. >> it's at a crossroads. the issue of the fundamental nature of the game. so popular and profitable. it takes a tremendous toll on those who play it, not just body, but mind and emotions. >> according to a report on nbc's "football night in america," seven nfl players have turned in their weapons since the belcher murder/suicide. he said he didn't trust himself with his own firearm. it's interesting, the backlash. >> his real point was about the gun culture. his real point about nfl players and a culture of violence. that's what i got out of the interview with piers. he was initially attacked by people who were concerned about
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gun control and the second amendment. but he was really commenting on players not being careful with guns. >> and 75% of nfl players have guns. there's a number of reasons for that. >> the players that have guns at home i guess costas said seven or eight times more likely to hurt themselves or somebody else than to protect themselves. there is a deeper problem with the nfl and roger godel, the nfl commissioner, tried to address it at harvard in a speech a couple of weeks ago. it goes to the question of how the game is played, concussions, things like that. he even talked and this would be a stunning development, about eliminating kickoffs. that's where the greatest injuries occurred to these guys. >> that itself was very controversial. we have to take a short break. still ahead, secrets surrounding the fiscal cliff negotiations in washington. no one is talking -- secrets.
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many say it's a sign of progress. others say it should be out in the open. jeff sessions will weigh in, that next. this is not your typical shopper. how this well-dressed little monkey ended up in ikea. >> a monkey in a coat. >> nice jacket. looks like a shearling. back in a moment. so, this board gives me rates for progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive, and they're them. yes. but they're here. yes. are you...? there? yes. no.
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are you them? i'm me. but those rates are for... them. so them are here. yes! you want to run through it again? no, i'm good. you got it? yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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good morning. welcome back, everybody. watching "starting point." we begin with john berman with an update on the on day's top stories. bar leon panetta believes that bashar al-assad got the message about using chemical weapons on rebels. >> we believe he's gotten the message. it's clear that the opposition continues to make gains in syria. our concern is if they feel like the regime is threatened with collapse, that they might resort to these kinds of weapons. >> the syrians have been loading rockets with deadly sirin gas that they could use against rebels. the brother of mexican
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american singing sensation jenni rivera is not giving up hope she is still alive. >> in our eyes we have faith my sister will be okay. we have no confirmation of her body being recovered dead or alive. >> rivera's private jet went outside monterrey, mexico. she and six other people on board are believed to be dead. her mangled driver's license and clothing were found at the crash site. no bodies recovered. senator john mccain wants a seat on the foreign relations committee after the new year, setting up a showdown with susan rice. it overseas the state department. if susan rice is nominated to be secretary of state, mccain would be in a position to question her during nomination hearings. mccain has been a big critic of rice, suggesting she misled the
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american public on the attack in benghazi. check this out. a monkey in a coat. that's right, a monkey in a coat spotted roaming around an ikea in toronto a bunch of tweets went out, anyone lost their monkey? yes. the owner was apparently shopping and the monkey managed to get out of the crate and the car, and animal control captured the 7-month-old, darwin, and monkeys as pets are banned in canada, this monkey in a coat and apparently some kind of a diaper is now in a sanctuary. >> that's so sad. it looks kind of whacky and weirdly cute. but so sad. >> terrible. let's talk about the fiscal cliff. we know they are talking, but we don't know what the president and house speaker john boehner are saying, they have been keeping fiscal cliff negotiations very quiet. the president doesn't have any public appearances scheduled today. people are reading the tea leaves, saying it's more serious than before.
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let's get to jeff sessions from alabama. ranking member of the budget committee. >> soledad, nice to be with you. >> appreciate that. is that a fair read, the quieter it gets means more is getting done. when they are saying nothing, it means we're close to a deal? >> you know, when we are reading tea levels a tea leaves and that's all we have, that's how bad it is. it looks like the president and the speaker of the house will decide this on christmas or new year's eve and plopped down in congress and we'll be told to vote for it or have a national crisis. this should have been done in public, been talking about this for months, it should have been openly done. american people observing what's going on. honestly, not a good way to do business. >> everybody has an opportunity to run to the tv cameras and
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have their own teams puttous press releases, because the conversation gets derailed by the pr agenda, if you will, in that. and that's why you have to have behind closed door meetings, because at least everybody shuts up with the noise around it. >> i don't agree with that. that's why we have congress for. that's what the whole process is designed to do. get out of these secret meetings and into the public venues so american people and congress themselves, we're responsible for making intelligent decisions, those -- that should be done publicly. but at some point after public debate and so forth, yes, private negotiations can help bridge the gap, bring us to successful conclusion. we've gone three years with a real serious problem. no budget. no appropriations bill this year. not a good way to do the people's business. i don't think anybody can dispute this is not good. >> "the washington post" talking
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about potentially as vague as it is, what could be on the table in terms of cuts. back in july, you were debating senator gil brand, talked about food stamps, she wanted to reinstate money into food stamps, do you think that food stamps and that should be on the table where you could save money? >> absolutely. every part of the government needs to be available for improvement. what we found was in the budget control act and sequester, no cuts, not a dime reduced in the food stamp spending, which has gone up four times. one in six americans are receiving food stamps. going up this month was a record increase in food stamp participation, at a time when unemployment is declining, so what we want to do is look at this program, identify how we can move people from dependency to independence to help them achieve the kind of income level
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that can sustain their family and their independence. >> but people who are saying if you do cuts, you invariably hurt people who need food and are on food stamps so they can buy supplemental food. 61% of households in your state have children who are recipients of the food program they are on. >> soledad, this program has been growing out of control at an incredible rate and a lot of people receiving benefits that do not qualify and should not receive them. but the focus of our government program should be as always in america to help people in need. no child, no person, who needs food, should be denied that food. nobody proposes that. but we're talking about an amendment that would reduce and close a loophole of $8 billion,
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when we would spend $800 billion, was opposed by saying it would help -- leave people hungry in america, but it only eliminated abuses in the program. we surely have to have some change. >> on the two front, let me stop you there. it's growing out of control. you voted in 2002 and 2008 to grow the program yourself. first under president bush in 2002, and when it comes to fraud, this center on binudget d public policy. snap has one of the lowest error rates on record. it doesn't have a lot of fraud. that most people on it aren't working the system, they are just hungry people. >> that's not accurate. they are counting the computer system fraud error rate, but they are not out counting real people who are filing false
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incomes or haven't reported changes in their income. we want to make sure people in need get that need. americans believe in that. queer not trying to deny people in need. but surely one would not contend that a program that has gone up four fold in ten years and had the biggest increase ever this month, at a time when unemployment dropped, doesn't need some review and to be made better. >> the people in your state, something like 67% of the people in your state, in the nation, 1 in 6 people in your state. in your state, 1 in 5, 20% of your constituents are on food stamps and rook at the people actually eligible. under 70% who are eligible sign up, so i think the problem could be in the reverse that, not as many people who could get food stamps are on it. >> you would like to have -- well, the department of agriculture said if you give
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more food stamps out, it helps the economy. when we borrow the money to send it out. obviously cannot be so. we want to be sure that people who need it get that aid. >> i get your point. >> you think there is no problem with the program? >> i'm not an elected official. i have no idea. my question, when are you thinking of things to cut. people are saying why are you trying to balance the budget on people making under $23,000 a year? that range roughly is the national average for what a family of four would get on food stamps. why not cut something else. there are other things that could be on the table before you pick a program that is feeding the nation's poor children. >> i'm not picking a program. i say all programs need to be examined in this government. this government wasting money every day. no doubt about that. we have got to do better. food stamps was totally exempt
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from change when it has gone up four times in the last ten years. >> two of those times you voted for it. 2002 and 2008 you voted for it. some people are saying you voted -- >> i voted for the ag bill that had that in it, probably so. >> nice to have you with us, sir. >> thank you, soledad. still ahead on "starting point" spending time with the family could be a little bit tense. you know what they say? who put the fun in dysfunctional? ed burns has a new movie that captured that crazy chaotic dynamic in the fitzgerald family christmas. he'll talk about that, straight ahead. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents the cold truth.
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brain upgrading to a quad-core processor. predictive intelligence with google now complete. introducing droid dna by htc. it's not an upgrade to your phone. it's an upgrade to yourself. welcome back, everyone. we now know what sentinelson mandela to the hospital. he is being treated for a lung infection. mandela, 94 years old. checked into a hospital over the weekend. is he responding to treatment. former imf chief dominique strauss khan, settled a lawsuit filed by a new york city hotel maid accused him of sexual assault. the terms of at agreement not disclosed. but diallo seeking unspecified damages for physical, emotional,
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and psychological harm. and someone has launched a parody called "modern seinfeld" that's pretty funny. elaine has a bad waiter at a nice restaurant. her negative yelp review goes viral she gets banned and crakr accidentally enjoys the tea party. and jerry trips when walking out to perform on "the tonight show" the gif goes viral tumblr and elaine dates a freegan. >> can you copyright a tweet? >> are you an attorney? >> i am a nonpracticing attorney. i went to law school, never
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practiced a day in my life. >> in this era, such widespread and instantaneous dissemination of information, the whole issue of intellectual property and how you hold onto that intellectual product is significant. >> and as journalists we're well aware of that. >> and i think the guy who's did humble brag, pretty famous twitter handle, got signed up for some kind of tv pilot. >> it goes in reverse actually. seinfeld would object to anything being done with this. >> of course, right. it keeps it going on forever. still ahead, a new movie that looks at a big, complicated family at christmastime. ed burns talks about his new film, "the fitzgerald family christmas," up next. what if th, isn't a thing at all? it's lots of things. all waking up. ♪
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becoming part of the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ trees will talk to networks will talk to scientists about climate change. cars will talk to road sensors will talk to stoplights about traffic efficiency. the ambulance will talk to patient records will talk to doctors about saving lives. it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. the next big thing? we're going to wake the world up. ♪ and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. ♪ cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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it's two weeks 'til christmas. oh, my god, it's two weeks 'til christmas, that time of year puts the fun in dysfunctional as families deal with the chaos, part of the plot of "the fitzgerald family christmas."
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take a look as the family prepares for their estranged father to return home after he walked out on the family. >> wants to spend christmas with us here. >> all i want to be is with my family at christmas. >> that's really not happening. >> sounds awesome. >> does it sound awesome? >> you think you're ready to see the old man? >> no. >> think we should ask mom to let him calm. >> there was a time for some forgiveness. >> i've thought about it and the answer is still no. >> ed burns joins us to talk more about the movie. this reminds me a lot of the first movie that you did, the first movie on the brothers mcmullen. >> yeah, it was a conscious decision on my part, 17 years later, which is scary to go back to that milieu, that world and literally a homecoming. we shot the film, the fitzgeralds live about six doors down from where the mcmullens
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lived which is my neighborhood. >> it was a homecoming for you, too, in a way. >> it was. when i was writing this script, it's not autobiographical but the fitzgeralds definitely come from the same world that i came from, grew up in the same neighborhood, shared the same experiences, went to the same schools so it was one of the screenplays that really poured out of me and i think it's why it's, people seem to think it feels honest and authentic. >> do you worry going back? this is your 13th film about the big family dynamic. i'm one of six so cuban and australian and black people in my family but it's kind of the same story at the same time. do you worry about going back and having someone say you're repeating? >> mcmullen and requesting she's the one" dealt with the irish-american working class experience. since then i purposely have not gone back i think for the simple reason, fear of ref peting but also my life changed so dramatically after those first
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two films. i thought can i write about that experience with the same kind of authenticity, but now i figured it was time to go back and i'm very glad i did. >> you're marketing it very differently. the movie just opened. >> just opened in new york, also available on itunes and on demand which is what independent films do a lot of the times. so about three weeks ago we were available in everyone's living room and this friday we go out theatrically to the rest of the country. >> that's interesting. there was a theory, if you made it available, you wouldn't drive people to the theaters. >> what they've discovered is the audiences don't cannibalize one another. there are two separate audiences, the audiences that go to the theater still and the audiences that prefer to stay home. guy like me with a couple young kids very rarely do we get to the theater. >> what is a movie theeteie the. >> exact i, what is a movie theater. >> to you get to the movie set but not the movies. >> father figures in some of your films are often complicated
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and not always in a good way. during the break you were talking about your father who seems like such a nice guy. >> my dad was the best and gave me great advice every step of the way, always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. his father, however, was a miserable human being and i grew up in a house always hearing my father talk about how much he hated his own father. so a lot of times that shaped -- i knew him, he died when i was 6 so it was those types of hearing those conversations that sort of informed how some of these children feel about their dad in this film. >> you're married to a supermodel. why is she not in ul aof your fil all of your films? >> on our first date, she said i've gotten offers to act and i have no interest so if you ever want a second date, don't ask. >> she runs an organization for women who are pregnant, does her
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own great thing. nice to have you and looking forward to seeing the film, looking forward to downloading and watching the film, i don't go out of the kids. the silence deafening on capitol hill, rahm emmanuel will join us to talk about the prospects of a fiscal cliff deal straight ahead. and then he was in great health when suddenly he had a mini stroke, at just 27, frankie muniz tells us what happened to him. ♪
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welcome back, our "starting point" sound of silence in washington, d.c. president obama and house speaker john boehner were quiet on negotiations to avoid the massive tax hikes and spending cuts that we know as the fiscal cliff. why did frankie muniz have a mini stroke sat age 27 in the former "malcolm in the middle" star will join us to talk to us about the health scare. new world order, asia returning to the power it last held in the middle ages, what this means for the u.s.
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i'm okay. >> a ceiling collapses in the middle of an interview, a storm tears through the south. we'll have an update on the damage straight ahead. we're rocking out this morning, juk lavell, the fifth rolling stone will talk about the stones tour, tuesday, december 11th and "starting point" begins right now. welcome back, bob shrum, ryan lizza, from "the new yorker" john berman have a seat, christine romans sticking around to help us out. our "starting point" zipped lips on capitol hill, how rare is that. if silence is golden maybe we'll have a deal on the fiscal cliff crisis sometime soon. there's 21 days left before the
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tax hikes and spending cuts kick in to send us over the cliff or down that gentle slope as some like to call it. congress is supposed to break for the holidays, nan? >> the last officially scheduled day for the house of representatives is december 13th. >> so friday. but we're on call. >> i don't think you'll be home permanently december 13th. >> we're ready for that. >> here's where things stand the president was touting his tax plan to truck plant workers in michigan. john boehner were quietly conducting behind the scenes talks on capitol hill. could be a sign of progress, but the blame game and finger pointing has stopped suddenly. we want to talk about this more with mayor rahm emmanuel and the president of the united states hispanic chamber of commerce, nice to have you both with us. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> mr. mayor you've been in the
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room with the president negotiating "the washington post" writes this today. "obama could be a ruthless negotiator trying to squeeze every possible concession out of republicans before agreeing to their last offer at the last minute. he could also be an unskilled negotiator who misjudges his opponents, overreaches wildly and backs unintentionally off the cliff." which one do you think he'll deliver this time around. you know this negotiating style well. >> well, look, let me back up a little, and the basic view, they're going to reach an agreement. everybody remembers the failure from last time, the debt talks where there is damage done to the economy. there's enough pressure in the room in the sense of not only avoiding that, avoiding all these cuts and the member's own desire to get back on to the holidays. put that together in an election victory for the president of the united states, you already have republicans acknowledging on the tax issue which is a primary focus of the president we'll be fair in this approach that he is right and they're going to agree to that.
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so my view is they're going to work out the details just like it happened back in the balanced budget agreement after the '96 election. the election was a verdict by the voters and the republicans have heard this verdict and therefore are going to come to an agreement. the president will be a tough negotiator because there's pl principles in play he's clear about, ran on it, talked about it and i believe he'll stick to his guns and when i say that, it's his principles. not every detail but the basic objective. >> i could show you a real of people who said yeah, let's go over the cliff a lot, including -- i hear you and i won't put any money on it. we'll see how it goes. >> one thing i would say to your reading of the either/or, i think in a negotiation you're not just one gear. different moments of the negotiation, sometimes you have to hold your line and hold it firm, sometimes you have to open up and extend your hand so to
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say you're going to only do one thing is somebody who has never been in a negotiation. >> you have said it's a goal of yours to bring hispanic businesses to chicago. that's one of the reasons mr. polivarez is with us. tell me what you're both trying to do. >> first of all, half of the new businesses and small businesses started in chicago and that's true for every major city are from immigrants. if you're pro small business you have to be pro immigrant. we were talking about the american dream and people that make sacrifices so children have an opportunity. the city of chicago and state of illinois passed the dream act. we'll have driver license for immigrants for safety on our streets. we put out a new american plan, what to do to make sure we have own our immigration policy for the city of chicago. it is in our own economic self-interest for job creation and economic growth to have a pro immigrant policy. i'm proud javier will bring the
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mexican-american chamber of commerce here to their national convention. it's 7,000 tourists and conventioners will be here and millions of dollars of economic growth but it's an acknowledgment of the city of chicago's i believe pro economic growth, pro immigrant economic strategy for the city of chicago's future. >> you represent a number of these small businesses, latino small businesses and not very far from where you are there's a battle over right to work, the arguments on one side would say listen, right to work is great, it brings more business. would you support the right to work measures like they're arguing over in michigan? >> well first and foremost, soledad, thank you for having me on the program. it's a pleasure to be here with mayor emmanuel. the united states hispanic chamber of commerce is the largest hispanic business organization in the united states. we advocate on behalf of 3.1 million hispanic owned firms in
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this country that combine, contribute an excess of $465 billion to the american economy every single year. our organizations are in every geography, in every manageable business model and size and so we're very pleased to be bringing the largest gathering of hispanic business leaders to the windy city. there is nobody that we can see throughout that understands the contribution and the value and the benefit of these immigrant and hispanic business leaders and job creators better than mayor rahm emmanuel so we're happy to bring our convention to chicago. in terms of right to work, you know, i think that those are things that are best settled by the people of the individual states. we would not get in the middle of something of that regard. we do, however, look at every issue, whether it's something as emotionally charged as immigration, all the way to
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health care and insurance reform. we look at it from a business perspective, from a commercial perspective and it's all about ensuring that the engine of the american economy and that is small business and certainly hispanic owned small businesses are taken care of, and that this nation recognizes the value and the job creation potential that exists in the immigrant entrepreneurial community. >> mr. mayor i'll give you the last, i'll ask you one more question. what is the big challenge to bringing not just hispanic business but any business to chicago. you guys have a crime problem, a major one. >> one of the things we've done, first of all, city of chicago's lead in the country in growth in jobs as well as in drop in unemployment, you have to have an economic strategy. small businesses we've dut our busine cut our business licenses and inspections. the small businesses are the economic engine in our neighborhoods and our communities where families live
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and children and raise their kids and if you are pro small business, not just pay lip service to that, you have to be pro immigrant. we're the first city to have an immigration policy around education, public safety, on business climate to welcome immigrants, welcome small businesses and help them thrive and we're also setting up this year a one stop shop for small businesses so the city of chicago, city hall is not the problem. they're part of the solution and partner to our small businesses so they're up and running, getting people employed, getting economic growth in our neighborhoods and as our neighborhoods are strong economically, our city will be strong and that's why i'm proud to have the hispanic chamber of commerce recognize the city of chicago is putting the right priorities in its own self-interest having a good immigration policy, welcoming immigrant policy and welcoming small business. those two go hand in hand. >> i think, soledad, if i might add, i think if you look at the values of the hispanic business
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community, they're core american values, contribution, dedication, hard work, personal accountability, that's what the hispanic business community is built upon. there are few individuals in this nation that understand that better than mayor rahm emmanuel. i think he's illustrated that and at the united states hispanic chamber of commerce whilewe're proud to advocate on behalf of people who happen to be of hispanic descent, we are american businesses. every job we create, every tax bill we pay, every product we manufacturer and service we provide goes to benefit the american economy. there are few leaders such as rahm emmanuel that recognize that potential so when he reached out to us about bringing the convention here it was an easy choice to bring our 2013 convention to chicago. >> it sounds like a match made in heaven to listen to the two of you talking about it. nice to have you gentlemen,
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thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thanks, soledad. john's got news for us. >> we know the identity of the navy s.e.a.l. killed during the daring rescue of the doctor. nicolas yhchecque. he received the bronze star and several other awards during his ten-year career. new violence in egypt, someone fired bird shot pellets at protesters in tahrir square. nine people were hurt, four critically. dualing rallies ahead of saturday's vote on the new constitution there. the australian radio station that crank called the hospital where the duchess of cambridge was being treated says it will donate more than a half million dollars to a fund for the family of a nurse who ended up killing
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herself. the station morning show duped the nurse into thinking the queen of england was calling to speak to her granddaughter-in-law. the show has been pulled off the air. more rough weather on the way for the south after rain, wind and reports of tornadoes in the region. look at this video, a man in birmingham, alabama, was being interviewed when his ceiling collapsed with his family inside. earlier on "early start" i cycled the photojournalist who shot the video what it was like to witness this collapse. >> it was really amazing to see something like this, that doesn't happen that often, you don't see that type of thing happen in an interview, and there was a lot of praying to god immediately after that. >> fortunately no one inside the house was hurt. the voters have spoken. colorado may smoke, marijuana now officially legal in the state, thanks to the governor's signature. people 21 and older may have up to one ounce of pot, they can
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grow a small amount at home and they can smoke it, just not in public. the situation still extremely complicated of course because marijuana is still illegal federally. >> yeah, there are so many questions that are going to be decided i'm sure by individual cases as this next year unfolds. i think they have a year before they have to think about how they'll tighten up that law. still ahead, thousands of people are asking the governor of michigan to not approve the state's right to work bill, congressman sandy levin will talk about that, straight ahead. this holiday, share everything.
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condition for getting a job. president obama spoke yesterday, here is what he said. >> what we shouldn't be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages. you know these so-called right to work laws, they don't have to do with economics. they have everything to do with the politics. >> sandy levin is a democrat who met with the governor of michigan and asked him to veto the bill. nice to have you with us. we appreciate it. you spoke to him. what did the governor tell you in your conversation yesterday? >> well he said he was going to just keep going. you know, there are thousands of people in lansing today, because they want a voice in the
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workplace. if a majority of people decide to be represented, that representative has to reflect, has to represent everybody, whether they belong to the union or not. people don't have to belong to a union or pay union dues, but they have to pay a fair share for the representation that has to be equal for them and everybody else and essentially so-called right to work will cripple the efforts of a union to represent people in the workplace and that representation helped to create the middle class and look at labor relations in michigan today, how the big three came back through a cooperative relationship between the union and management, and essentially with so-called right to work will do, is to destroy that kind of relationship, will create immense division. it's a terrible idea. >> on the other side of the debate as you well know the governor says this is not about being anti-union. they say it's an opportunity f the union is so great they have
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a chance to prove it. let me play a little bit about what governor snyder said. >> i don't view it as anti-union because it gets to the other side from the union perspective i hope the unions are showing the value proposition of why they have good opportunities, good reasons to belong to a union and people can make that choice to say yes i do want to belong and if there's some reason i don't want to belong hopefully it gives the union ideas and thoughts on how to improve themselves so they can provide better service and get them on board. >> if you look at the polling people asked should michigan be a right to work state, 47% favored it, 46% opposed. it seems like it's sort of straight down the middle. >> no, no, because the governor, he doesn't understand labor management relations. he misdescribed what the issue is. nobody has to join a union or pay union dues. if a majority vote to be represent represented, to have a voice in the workplace, that representative has to represent everybody. there can be no discrimination. all the benefits have to flow to
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everybody else and they have to pay everybody a reasonable fee to help the union represent everybody, so essentially it is anti-union. >> but there's people who have the problem with that fee that you're talking about right in theory that fee could go to something ultimately that an individual doesn't support and this has been a main contention in this debate that's been going back and forth. why do you think the numbers are so divided. you look at the state of michigan, the home of the big three, it's a union state. why is the number so down the middle when it comes to supporting right to work state in that particular state? >> because i think the issue is explained, it isn't down the middle. people in michigan understand that having a representative, a voice in the workplace, created the middle class decent wages, decent working conditions, and essentially right to work, so-called right to work says is
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everybody essentially can benefit from representation, but they don't have to pay their fair share. that will cripple the ability of people to be represented in the workplace. the governor misstates what this is all about. it's not union dues. it's not having to be a union member. it's if a majority selected representative, everybody has to benefit equally, so everybody should pay a fair share of that representation. they don't pay for political activities. none of that, so the governor, i met with him yesterday and he misstated. he doesn't understand what made michigan the ideal place, what made the middle class, and that was workers having a voice in the workplace. when i was a young lawyer, i talked to wayne state university and said how about having a contract with a few people and they came back and said to me well we can't have a contract because it's old english law,
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the king can do no wrong, they said to me. well, we don't have kings anymore. employers say look, let's have a relationship with workers and have them have a voice in the workplace that's good for everybody, and ask the leaders of the big three, do they want uni unions to be able to be represented, people represented, have a voice in the workplace and they say that's better for economic development in michigan and the governor will divide michigan, that will be his legacy, and that is a frightful legacy not only for him but for the people of the state of michigan. >> as you know, most people think in fact as you started off by saying people think he's going to sign it, this protest and 10,000 people it's going to be to some degree for naught because he will go ahead with the legislation. we're out of time, congressman sandy levin, democrat from the state of michigan we appreciate your time. >> thanks, thanks for being with
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you. still ahead we'll talk about china set to surpass the united states, why we might be headed for a new world order. we'll talk about that straight ahead. [ woman ] ♪ what i want this season ♪ if you'd like to try and guess ♪ ♪ it is something very special ♪ i would readily confess [ dogs barking ] ♪ 'cause all i want this season ♪ ♪ is something from your heart ♪ la da da, la da da [ male announcer ] thinking of others this holiday season, travelers. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one.
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welcome back, everyone. we could get a ruling on the nfl county scandal today. former nfl commissioner pag tagliabue's decision could affect whether jonathan vilma and will smith get to play out the season. vilma got a full season suspension and smith suspended for four games. they are playing now while it is under appeal. hopes of a deal meanwhile
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are melting away in hockey, the nhl canceled all games through december 30th, no deal to end the lockout there and no new talks in the works, a total of 526 games have been wiped out so far. i'm not sure there are any fans left. >> there's got to be like five. >> not many. they canceled the season a few years ago, doing it again. tough for hockey fans. >> it's crazy, such a lose/lose. classic lose/lose, this is exhibit "a." >> maybe it's the hockey version of the fiscal cliff. >> ahead, new york mayor cory booker did he let his political plan slip out? he might be running for governor of new jersey. we'll talk about that and he was in great health until suddenly he was not, a mini stroke at 26 years old. factor frankie muniz is here to talk about his serious health
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welcome back. you're watching "starting point." we begin with john berman and a look at the day's top stories. authorities in iowa positively identified the bodies of two young cousins who have been missing since july. the hunters found the remains of 10-year-old lyra cook and 8-year-old elizabeth collins. no word on the cause of death. police say they do not have a suspect. oklahoma city police are looking for whoever put two pipe bombs on a truck. the driver found them attached to his fuel tank after he got back from a 400-mile trip. the truck was reportedly hauling rock. bomb squad had to come in and destroy the explosives. george zimmerman will be back in court in florida in just a half an hour from now for a pretrial hearing, charged with
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murder in the death of 1-year-old trayvon martin in february. they are trying to find out everyone who can identify his voice and trayvon martin's voice in the phone calls. tom brady tossed four touchdown passes, that dun to dante stallworth, it was a 4 -14 rout of the houston texans. the patriots have won 20 straight home games in the month of december. thank you, tom brady. cory booker the popular mayor of newark, new jersey, may have tipped his hand on the job he may want next. here's what he told "the huffington post." >> when i campaign for myself next year as a gubernatorial candidate or for another gubernatorial candidate should i decide not to run. >> i guess he hedged it a little bit. here's what mayor booker said
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about new jersey governor chris christie who already said he's running for re-election. >> christie is vulnerable and i think as it should be because there's a lot of issues in our state he is not falling in line with from women's issues, environmental issues. >> booker may consider a run for the senate. he set about a two-week deadline. >> oh for god's sakes he's running for something. he's running for governor or maybe not. >> i think he's going to run for the senate. >> really? >> if you look at the polls there, he wins the primary hands down, even against frank lautenberg and he wins the senate seat. why would he take on chris christie? the guy did a spectacular job during the storm. i disagree with him on a whole set of issues but he put the state ahead of politics, presidential politics, stood
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there with the president and did the right thing. i'm not endorsing him. >> democrats are going to turn on bob shrum like republicans turned on chris christie. >> the guy is in a very, very, very strong position. i wouldn't vote for him but i think he's going to get elected. >> i agree with you on that democratic strategist, on any front i agree. let's talk about this interesting medical case, here is a man, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, works out regularly n good health until the factor frankie muniz had a mini stroke at the age of 26. he's here to talk about that with us this morning. you look fine. are you feeling fine? >> i am, i'm feeling better every day that goes on. the first couple days after i still felt just extremely lethargic and just kind of discombobulated, didn't feel like i was in my own body. >> you're 27 years old. how did you know something bad
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was happening? >> i worked out in the morning, i felt fine, i got on my motorcycle to go on a ride, literally made it a mile and started just my right eye started like feeling weird, like i couldn't see properly and as i kept going, i lost all peripheral vision and my body started feeling uncomfortable, laid down, got to the point to where i thought i was talking normal and my fiance was looking at me like i was speaking a foreign language and i knew i was saying the words properly and she's like those aren't words, and just headaches and just my whole body went numb on the right side and like it was just weird. being my age and being healthy, i didn't expect anything as serious to be happening. i just thought like what's going on? >> doctors diagnosed a transient eschemic attack, temporary loss of blood flow to the brain no, permanent damage but one in three people who have this what
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they call a mini stroke eventually 33% of them will go on to have a stroke which must be terrifying information for you. >> it is. it's one of those things as a person, i mean me personally i felt invincible. you know what i mean? you get in a car you don't think you're going to get in a car accident. when you get on a plane you don't think things are going to happen to you. they can, it's the same with health, until something happens you really don't expect it. >> what do the doctors tell you caused it? >> we're still trying to find out. i had to leave because i play drums in a band, we're on tour so i'm going back home. >> so you had a mini stroke, the doctor on our panel, dr. hayworth is like you're a bad patient. >> it's not a bad idea to get the tests done. >> we've started the process and everything we've done so far we haven't found the exact thing that they can say well that caused it. >> you literally have never had a drink. >> never had a drink of alcohol.
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>> you don't ado drugs. >> i've never been near them. >> glass of wine a day -- >> you got to talk to the rolling stones guy. >> chuck leavel is saying we have to share information. he's been around a little bit. >> the motorcycle and -- >> what is it, the stress? what did the doctors lay out as a potential? >> i can say that is the one thing in my life that i do need to work on. i'm extremely high stress person. >> tell us about that. >> well my whole life since he was 8 years old working as an actor, always had to be somewhere and do something. stepping away from the acting i still have that mentality, like i can't just sit and relax. like i always constantly have to be doing something, i worry and want everything to be perfect and you know, my band, we released an album a few weeks ago and did it all ourselves so
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there was a lot of stress with that and touring. >> is there a correlation between the typical type "a" personality that wants perfection, et cetera, et cetera, and stroke? >> you know, there probably is some, because there is between being type "a" and being hypertensive, you tend to drive for yourself. the one question i have for you frankie, but are you on aspirin right now? >> baby aspirin, yes. >> at the very least baby aspirin a day. every household should have aspirin available, because if there are symptoms like that, that seem very distinctive and there's no reason that someone can't take an aspirin. >> because it's a blood thinner. >> if there's a clot that's stopping circulation, that will provide some immediate help while you do more. >> so your band's on tour. >> yes on tour. >> when you're done with your tour which i'm not sure i fully support --
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>> the show must go on. >> i'm teasing you. what are you going to do when you're back home and you can focus on your health. >> i'm going in, having an echo test done, and a few other tests and trying to figure it out. for me like i said with the stress that's something i'm trying to relax. >> yoga. transce transcendental medication, stress releasing. >> i do eat like a 12-year-old kid. so i'm going to start, i'm starting to order vegetables instead of french fries and stuff. so now that this has happened it is a wake-up call. i want to do anything i can to be healthier, to try to prevent anything i can in happening again. >> you're 27, we need you around a little while. frankie muniz, nice to have you. seriously, take care of yourself. still ahead on "starting
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point" a man who played with the rolling stones the past 30 years, now the legendary band is celebrating their 50th anniversary, they have a new tour.
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♪ it's only rock 'n' roll and they like it. the stones have been playing for 50 years and chuck leavel has
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been with the band for 30 years. >> great to be with you. >> are you excited about this? is it just amazing this tour? >> incredibly excited. we were in paris six weeks rehearsaying, two shows in london that went well and we're ready to conquer new york city. we had the show at barclays in brooklyn. >> new york city is ready to be conquered. everybody is really excited about this. >> one of the music writers at "the new yorker" said the stones were sounding the best they've sounded in years. >> why is that? why are they so eternally fresh or you guys so eternally fresh, why the appeal goes across generations? >> rock n roll keeps you young. >> why is it the high point they're play so long well. >> we all feel, man, how fortunate are we, we can still do this, we're healthy, the energy is there, the fans want to come and see the band and that just gives you the
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wherewithal to give it 150%. >> what are the rehearsals like. everyone is off doing their projects and you came together to do rehearsals. >> the rehearsals for me the most fun part of the process we get to play all of the songs we never bring to the stage so we rehearsed something like 75 to 80 songs in paris. when you go on stage you'll cut that down to 22, 23 songs. >> you're the guy who does the song list. you really pick the playlist. >> i help with it. it's not all. >> a little modest on that. >> no, it's not all me but it's fun to work with the guys on that. >> how do you pick when you have 400 songs in your potential playlist? >> not easy, i'll tell you, but you'll have iconic songs that you're going to do that the fans want to hear but the fun part is trying to bring in the odd ones, the ones that are a little obscure that people, the hard core fans really want to hear. so it's something like "can't you hear me knockin'" or "she
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smiled sweetly." some really strange ones, that's a lot of fun. we did "lady jane" in london, that's a rare one to do. >> do you have a favorite? some will say they can't answer that question because it's like picking their children but is there a song you like to always perform? >> i tell people that "honkytonk woman" is a favorite. i was living in nashville, recorded my first lp, some of us might remember. you remember that, don't you. >> i remember those. >> the turntable, yep. >> my parents had that. >> the guitar player of the band i was working with ran in the house and he said, i've got it! what have you got? he said i've got the new stones record. i was driving down the road, pulled over went to the record store and it was "honkytonk woman" and we put that on and listened to it about 150 times. it was great. >> you're from macon, georgia. most of the other band members are not. >> have you noticed? >> what is that like being the
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guy from georgia in the rolling stones? >> well you know it's interesting because i think a lot of british bands, you know, and i've worked with eric clapton and george harrison and that was a real privilege, they're very interested in southern music. they look to the south, the interest in blues, delta blues and the interest in, you know, new orleans kind of music and so i think there's a particular interest there in southern musicians. >> do you have to be a mick or keith guy or can you be both. >> huh? >> say what? >> exactly. keith richards has not changed in 50 years. he looked that old that mean years ago. >> it's 50 years and counting. >> it's like frank sinatra's farewell tour. >> it's only farewell for now.
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i love it. chuck leavell nice to have you with us. we appreciate it. still ahead the era of western dominance could be coming to an end, a report that says china will soon top the united states. it's coming up next. gent. gent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
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welcome back to "starting point." i'm christine romans minding your business this morning. aig is off life support from the american government. the treasury is selling the last of its 234 million shares of the insurer. the treasury department made a $22.7 billion profit on a bailout that at one point ballooned to $182 billion and probably the most heated bailout in american history. a world where asia is on the rise and an era of western dominance is over. that's the prediction from the national intelligence council, it predicts it will be a far different world by 2030. "tectonic shifts will have china
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surpassing the states economicically by 2030 and asia gaining the power it last saw during the middle ages." expect food and water demand to soar 35% and middle classes in the west to see more competition from new rising workforces around the globe. a new catalyst censussaur veigh shows growth for pay in positions for women at the highest levels of corporate america flatlined. in 2012 women held a 14% of fortune 500 executive officer positions, unchanged for the third year in a row and women held only 16 president of corporate board seats seven years in a row of no growth for board seats and 3% of board seats are held by women of color. >> i wonder when that's going to change. >> i've been reporting this story since 2000. you have colleges chock-full of smart women. >> often way more percentage wise than the men. why in upper management and in boards is this a problem? >> we need sponsors, not
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mentors, the catalyst i've been working on. with sponsors you actively are pushing people, your peers are getting people into your level. for a long time men dominated so much at the higher ranks, men network with men. women network with women, and so until you can start networking that's important. >> i think there are work/life issues societally and as the mother two of sons i've tried to raise them to socialize them to understand that when children come into the picture, you know, it really, there really does have to be a shared responsibility there, and i think still in a lot of families, and women voluntarily in fact tend to make themselves responsible. >> when you look at the number it's not as if there are so many women on boards who are turning them down. i would agree with that if it was every year all these women say i cannot be on the board, i'm too busy, i can't juggle it. >> they don't get to the level
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in the corporate world. to get an invitation on the board you have to reach a certain level of -- >> the pool gets reduced. >> exactly. you won't have as many women qualified to sit on a board and it's the self-fulfilling thing. >> and i think over time this will get better. partly because of sponsorship, but partly because you do have a lot of people coming out of college, they're disproportionately women, not men, and all of the trends in society are pushing toward a greater opening up whether it's on women or marriage equality or whatever. >> when companies figure out they can make money by embracing diversity, suddenly you will see an embrace of diversity. >> amazing embrace. >> adam smith thanks you for that remark. >> here is a tough story to share with you but it has a happy ending. 15-year-old girl weighed less than 60 pounds because she was fighting anorexia, and chelsea roff ended up having a stroke but has been battling back long
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journey to getting healthy and happy. our recovery by dr. sanjay gupta in today's "human factor." >> how are you? >> reporter: it's hard to believe but chelsea roff says one day at the age of 15, part of her brain died. >> i now know from looking at hospital records that i was 58 pounds. >> reporter: 58 pounds and close to dying because so many parts of her body were failing. there nor pictures of roff at her sickest. this picture was taken about a year earlier but she remembers how starting a diet with her mom in the midst of a traumatic childhood spiraled into anorexia. >> looking back, i think my body was my only way to tell the people around me that something wasn't okay. >> reporter: help came for roff when she was hospitalized for 18 months following her stroke. >> i had a bed. i had nurses and doctors that showed up every day and were consistent, and i had food and i
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had water, and i was finally getting like digestive function back. >> reporter: as part of her recovery her therapist suggested roth try yoga to start listening to her body again without burning too many calories. it helped her to interact with people and today she writes and talks with patients who struggle with eating disorders. >> i tell these girls i am not afraid of my fullness. >> reporter: she's quick to point out yoga is not a cure for anything. it's one of only many tools that when used correctly helped her rebuild her life. >> you can live in your body fully. you can have happiness and that's for me the biggest thing. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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